About Us
LDSreliance started out as a Youtube channel in 2012, focusing on video content related to self reliance and DIY projects. That channel grew and diversified into covering topics such as solar power, battery technology, home improvement, electronics, server hosting, prepper content, product reviews, and more over the years.
Today, LDSreliance has over 107,000 subscribers and 28 million views on Youtube. In addition to a successful Youtube channel, the brand has branched out into a thriving e-commerce website where you can find the best lithium batteries and off grid solar products on the market. You can also arrange for consulting time with Jason Lee, the man behind the channel and website, where he can help you with your off grid solar project or battery bank project.
If you are a fan of the Youtube channel and want to keep up to date on this web store and new products or coupon codes, please email ldsreliance@gmail.com.
LDSreliance is always looking for quality, hard-to-find off grid products to bring to its audience so if you know of anything that you think should be carried on this store, please email ldsreliance@gmail.com!